Pet Duck Billed Platypus For Sale My Pet Albino Duck 'ducky' Looks Very Similar To A Duck Duck Billed Platypus?

My pet albino duck 'ducky' looks very similar to a duck duck billed platypus? - pet duck billed platypus for sale

Ducks Cross IVE years ago and sold them to slaughter some of the best restaurants in the world. Some of my customers will pay only a minimum price of € 200 - about a dozen of my giggles a maximum of 10,000 pounds - for the gold with a dozen of my ducklings.

My wife left me, she said its up to my passion with my ducks, but I say that shes not so rare!

for the past year, I've tried to cross my ducks, so I can get a special kind of hybrid ducks, which can be sold to farmers that need help with manual work (things like). But my latest creation, and I must say, a little strange. a 3-duck wings, a giant beak, red eyes and a leather tail. He can not walk properly and can not see thatfar. I personally believe that he is handsome / she is, and I will stay together with the other hand full of ducks, which they have as pets.

My question is: What are the common characteristics and common aspect of a platypus?

PS I can not give information about my site, thanks to the association legal issues.

I await your answers.



wacky said...

I think it takes "Mick"

For many years I sold the ducks in the hotel and was never more than EUR 2 get EUR 3-50, per animal. What do you want to be deceived.

It will tell us that when you sell the "gold" duck eggs, while the gold price is high.

Buzzard said...

Maestro! Your story interests me ...

The platypus is an egg-laying mammals monotremes. He has a bill like a duck, but the rest of the body is at all ducklike, no feathers ... and bone structure is different, the bones of birds are lighter than the mammal bones ... I think that the platypus fins with precision, but gray claws, although they are webbed, but more than the couple on the back. The man also has poison in its claws. The mutant, which you describe is a foot too small to be a platypus, but his tail can be leather, I doubt that this poison. Moreover, although there is certainly some platypusses albino, albinism is not a characteristic of the genus.

Platypusses are also capable of electro-LocatE-receptors in its bill, which helps them hunt, too. I do not know how this evidence would be his mutated .... but should be aware that the bill of the Platypus "is not like the beak of a bird that uses open and your mouth ... the platypus has under the lips of Bill ... that the law as a kind of radar antenna if you want.

But perhaps an affinity to the Antipodes has got them ... why not run very well, maybe just that he wants the opposite. Try a good boy and see if he does it better.

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